Advantage: VYCON
Our VDC and REGEN flywheel systems store kinetic energy in the form of a rotating mass and are designed for high power, short discharge applications. VYCON’s patented technology includes a high-speed motor generator, active magnetic bearings that are used to levitate and sustain the rotor during operation, and a superior control and monitoring system that can provide information on system performance. These innovative technologies enable the flywheel systems to charge and discharge at high rates for countless cycles making conventional technologies like batteries obsolete.
Compared to chemical batteries:
- Response - it can promptly store huge bursts of energy, and equally rapidly return them;
- Efficiency – charges/discharges are made with very small losses; as an electrical storage system a flywheel can have efficiencies over 97%;
- Maintenance – flywheels do not require cooling nor do they pose the chemical recycling/maintenance issues of conventional batteries.
- Lifespan – flywheels have a typical lifespan of about 20 years, while a lead-acid battery needs to be replaced every three to seven years (and even sooner for high cycle applications);
- Flywheels are capable of millions of full charge and discharge cycles over the life of the system with no degradation in voltage, power, or storage – unlike batteries. Flywheel technology is also considered the only green technology of the storage technologies

Self-monitoring of VYCON energy storage systems provide unparalleled availability with predictive failure analysis.